
Rosenberg’s Criticism of Bush Is Divisive

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Shame on The Times. Your Sept. 14 commentary by Howard Rosenberg, “Bush’s Image Fails to Fill the Screen,” was out of line.

Rosenberg has consistently bashed President Bush. This is not the time to further enhance the divisiveness of this country. This awful crime offers an opportunity for the people of this country to unite for a common cause. Rosenberg decided to politicize the event to promote his political bias. The Times owes its readers and the nation an apology.

Riley Perry

Los Angeles



At a time of national tragedy such as we are experiencing now, the whole nation seems to be able to put aside politics and display a united front--except Rosenberg. His article criticizing Bush, published on a day of national remembrance, no less, is a disgrace. He is a pathetic little man, and I honestly question his patriotism and allegiance to the U.S. The Times should get rid of Rosenberg before his stench infiltrates the whole organization.

Karl Adamowicz

