
The Dead

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Last Sunday, The Times published a list of dead and missing in the Sept. 11 attacks. This list updates that accounting with the names of the confirmed dead released after Sept. 15. More than 6,000 people are still unaccounted for.

World Trade Center

Gordon McCannel Aamoth

Donald L. Adams

Lee Adler

Godwin Ajala

Gertrude Alagero Marsh

Andrew Alameno

Gary Alberto

Eric Allen

James Ryan Allen

Telmo Alvear

Michael Andrews

Joseph Angelini

Frank Aquilino

Louis Arena

Adam Arias

Michael J. Armstrong

Michael Asciak

Ezra Aviles

David Bauer

Paul Beatini

Maria Behr

Bryan C. Bennett

Alvin Bergsohn

Joseph Berry

William Biggart

John Bocchi

Mary Boffa

Thomas Bowden

Gennady Boyarsky

Alfred Braca

Edward A. Brennan

Frank Brennan

Keith Broomfield

Timothy Byrne

Scott Cahill

David Campbell

Peter Carroll

Paul Cascio

Douglas MacMillan Cherry

Stephen P. Cherry

Swede Joseph Chevalier

Wai Chung

Alex Ciccone

Christopher Colasanti

Thomas Collins

Joseph Coppo

Kevin M. Cosgrove

Timothy John Coughlin

Christopher Cramer

Dennis Cross

Thomas G. Crotty

Richard Joseph Cudina

Vincent D’Amadeo

Anthony Demas

Thomas Dennis

Joseph D. Dickey

Stephen Dimino

Michael DiAgostino

Douglas F. DiStefano

Brendan Dolan

Ray Downey

Christopher M. Duffy

Michael J. Duffy

Dennis M. Edwards

Martin Egan

William F. Fallon

Christopher Faughnan

Edward Fergus

George Ferguson

Henry Fernandez

Louis V. Fersini

Brad Fetchet

Michael B. Finnegan

Stephen J. Fiorelli

John Fiorito

Thomas J. Fisher

Carl Flickinger

David Fodor

Steven Fogel

Pauline Francis

Peter C. Frank

Richard K. Fraser

Arlene Fried

Andrew Friedman

Paul J. Furmato

Anthony E. Gallagher

Thomas E. Galvin

Giovanna Gambale

Michael Gann

Doug Gardner

James Gartenberg

Paul H. Geier

Peter Gelinas

Robert J. Gerlich

Stephen L. Glick

Douglas A. Gowell

Edwin J. Graf

James Greenleaf

Geoffrey Guja

Sean Hanley

James Haran

Timothy J. Hargrave

Stewart Harris

John Hart

John C. Hartz

Tim Haviland

Donald G. Havlish Jr.

Ward Haynes

William Henry

Nuberto Hernandez

Neal Hinds

Mark Hindy

Patrick A. Hoey

Stephen G. Hoffman

John Holland

Joseph Holland

Paul Innella

William Iselepis

Aram Iskenderian

Aaron Jacobs

Scott Johnson

Donald W. Jones

Shari Kandell

Andrew Kates

Don J. Kauth

James J. Kelly

Timothy Kelly

Mary Kimelman

Andrew Marshall King

Gary Koecheler

Victor Kwarkye

Christoper Larrabee

Neil Leavy

Richard Lee

David Leistman

John Robinson Lenoir

Jeffrey E. LeVeen

Elizabeth Claire Logler

Catharine Louguidice

Joseph Lovero

Edward (Ted) H. Luckett

Linda Luzzicone

Farrell Peter Lynch

Sean P. Lynch

Richard B. Madden

Joseph Maggitti

Joseph Maloney

Kevin Marlo

Joseph Mathai

Walter Matuza

Kaaria Mbaya

Michael Desmond McCarthy

Robert McCarthy

Matthew McDermott

Michael McDonnell

Eamon McEnaeney

Mark McGinly

Michael G. McGinty

William J. McGovern

Francis Noel McGuinn

Patrick McGuire

Keith McHeffey

Michael E. McHugh

Robert C. McLaughlin

Alan H. Merdinger

William Minardi

Dennis Mojica

Manuel Mojica

Brian P. Monaghan

John G. Monahan

Roy W. Moreno

George Morrell

James Donald Munhall

Carlos Munoz

Christopher W. Murphy

Edward C. Murphy

James Murphy

John J. Murray

Luke Nee

Robert W. Noonan

Timothy O’Brien

Maureen Olson

John O’Neill

Sandler O’Neill

Sean O’Neill

James R. Ostrowski

Timothy O’Sullivan

Jason Oswald

Peter J. Owens

Thomas A. Palazzo

Edward J. Papa

Emmett Parks

Jerrold Paskins

Manuel Patrocino

Bernard E. Patterson

William H. Pohlmann

Laurence Polatsch

Anthony Portillo

Richard Prunty

Christopher Quackenbush

Robert Arthur Rasmussen

Thomas Barnes Reinig

Joshua S. Reiss

John Armand Reo

Michael Richards

Paul Rizza

Donald Robson

Antonio Rocha

Scott Rohner

Daniel Rossetti

Nick Rowe

Gilbert Ruiz

Hernando Salas

Wayne Saloman

Frank Salvaterra

Eric Sand

Herman Sandler

John Santore

Paul F. Sarle

Daniel James Shea

Joseph Patrick Shea

Hagay Shefi

Sean Shielke

David Silver

Michael J. Simon

Christopher Slattery

Vincent Slavin

Daniel L. Smith

James Smith

Michael Sorresse

George Spencer

Timothy Stackpole

Corina Stan

Timothy Stout

Thomas Strada

Patrick Sullivan

Michael Taddonio

Michael A. Tamuccio

Anthony Tempesta

Sal Tieri

Michael Tinsley

John J. Tobin

Doris Torres

Wally P. Travers

Lance Richard Tumulty

Michael Uliano

Kenneth W. Van Auken

Jon Vandevander

Scott C. Vasel

Lawrence Virgilio

Michael Warchola

Stephen Ward

Simon Weiser

Jeffrey Wiener

William J. Wik

John Willett

John Williamson

Martin Wohlforth

Patrick Woods

John Wright

Jupiter Yamben

Joseph Zaccoli

American Airlines Flight 11

Karen Martin

Berry Berenson Perkins

Pendyala Vamsikrishna

American Airlines Flight 77

Zandra Cooper

Yang Shuyin

Norma Lang Steuerle

United Airlines Flight 93

Donald Peterson

Joan Peterson

United Airlines Flight 175

Ronald Gamboa

Herbert Homer

Marianne MacFarlane

Marie Pappalardo

Patrick Quigley

James M. Roux

Michael Tarrou


Craig Amundson

Canfield D. Boone

Sharon Carver

Eric A. Cranford

Gerald Francis Deconto

William H. Donovan Jr.

Patrick Dunn

Edward Thomas Earhart

Robert Randolph Elseth

Jamie Lynn Fallon

Amella V. Fields

Matthew Michael Flocco

Cortez Ghee

Diane M. Hale-McKinzy

Angela Houtz

Brady Howell

Stephen N. Hyland

Robert J. Hymel

Lacey B. Ivory

Dennis M. Johnson

Judith Jones

David W. Laychak

Steve Long

Terrance Lynch

Shelley A. Marshall

Ada L. Mason

Timothy Maude

Robert J. Maxwell

Patricia E. Mickley

Ronald D. Milam

Brian Anthony Moss

Ted Moy

Patrick J. Murphy

Diana B. Padro

Jonas Martin Panik

Darin Howard Pontell

Scott Powell

Deborah A. Ramsaur

Edward V. Rowenhorst

Robert Russell

William R. Ruth

Charles E. Sabin

Marjorie C. Salamone

Michael Selves

Dan Frederic Shanower

Antoinette Sherman

Gregg Harold Smallwood

Gary F. Smith

Patricia Statz

Kip P. Taylor

Karl W. Teepe

Otis Vincent Tolbert

Ronald James Vauk

Maudlyn A. White

Ernest Willcher

Edmund Young


Compiled from lists provided by Associated Press, the coroner’s office of New York City and the Department of Defense.
