
Americans Reflect and Get Back to Normal

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The war on terrorism cannot be won with guns, missiles or even stones. The terrorists with whom we are engaged are fighting for our spirits and our fortitude. As long as we refuse to fly, to invest in our own markets, to go to the theater or to Europe to play golf, we are playing into their hands and stand to lose the first battle.

There is a framework in Judaism for dealing with death. We mourn for one week intensely. After that we mourn for another month but return to work. After that we mourn for the remainder of the year and then recall the one whose life was lost each year thereafter.

While I applaud the acts of patriotism, I urge Americans to fight this very difficult battle. In the face of terrorism, go back to work, go back to life. Be vigilant about living and celebrating life.


Mike Davidson



I realize the president has told us to go back to our normal duties and lives, but seeing so many Americans laughing, telling dirty jokes and watching TV shows that are nearly pornographic, lewd and offensive to the sensitivities of thousands of grieving families does not speak well of our country.

The appropriate period of mourning for the death of a husband can be about six months for some families. The appropriate length of mourning for a nation that has lost several thousand souls in one fell swoop must surely be more than a week. Following Pearl Harbor, this country got serious for nearly five years.


Such an incident as that of Sept. 11 should also provide us the opportunity to look into our psyches and our culture of “everything goes” and realign our mores.

Charles Lauderdale



As I arrived home late Friday evening I turned the television on. I saw the celebrity telethon. Not really being interested, I changed the channel and, to my amusement, the telethon was on every single local channel. How ironic that as they were celebrating America and the freedom that we enjoy, it was as if we were watching state television, in that we were being told what and when to watch. While the intent and the subject matter of the telethon were important, wouldn’t one or two channels have sufficed to allow for those who wanted to watch?


Tim Myers

Huntington Beach


What wonderful gestures by all Americans donating millions of dollars to the relief of our friends in New York City. I invite all politicians from our president to our local city councils to donate their reelection campaign dollars as a sign of true commitment to our country!

Tony D’Amico

Hacienda Heights


Anti-U.S. sentiments are common worldwide, not just limited to a few Islamic nations. And it is understandable. We make up about 5% of the world’s population while using 30% of its resources. While millions of children and adults suffer from starvation worldwide, obesity is our health problem. Unless we change our lifestyle and learn to distribute resources, this world will continue to make many Osama bin Ladens.

Uday Devaskar MD

Los Angeles

We must take control of how Sept. 11 will be remembered throughout history. It is clear the terrorists wish the day to be recalled as America’s Armageddon. We have now seen the fullness of that day clearly. We must properly name it for history.


What truly dwarfs the evil and destruction of that day is that it was a day of uncommon love and courage by common people. Please identify a fitting name now, so that in our conversations we do not miss the opportunity to recall this day in which the best of being a human and being an American was shown by the many.

Alex Morales

