
McNeilly’s ‘9-11’ Mural Arouses Admiration, Ire

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Re “Artist Fights for Giant Mural,” Sept. 26: Any rule is made to be broken on some occasion. This would seem to be one of those times. The mural that honors the tragedy in New York, done by an artist attempting to give expression to the feelings most of us have, is about to be the victim of some rule-happy pencil pusher who can’t tell the difference between a beautiful mural showing the country’s sorrow and some commercial billboard meant to make money for a business.

At Florida Gulf Coast University someone decided that no school employee could wear a “Proud to Be an American” sticker, because it might offend some foreign student (Sept. 21). That stupid idea was shelved immediately.

This is another idea that should be thrown in the garbage can. Until we have healed some of the wounds and are functioning at a much better level, we can use all the inspiration we can find. With our troops likely to be engaged in a long, ugly fight and no guarantee what is ahead of us, this is a time to unite and stand together, not bicker over some city sign code.


Yes, someday the mural will need to come down, if only to be put somewhere else. But for now, leave it in peace!

Desda Monaghan

Palm Desert


Mike McNeilly’s mural fails to honor anyone. This huckster’s latest assault with his “outlaw graphics” is made more pathetic by his attempt to capitalize on the tragedies of Sept. 11. McNeilly’s unlawful actions and refusal to obey city officials seem more like terrorism than a tribute. This is about respect for law and order, which he betrays, not his fight for freedom. This is a time when we especially need rules, laws and respect for due process and the rights of others.


Robert E. Main

