
Jackson Not Doubting MJ

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Michael Jordan the Legend is still out there, and will be, unchanged by whatever the coming months bring, Laker Coach Phil Jackson said.

Jordan still beat the Utah Jazz, Jackson said. It simply won’t be with his last shot.

“I don’t know how anybody could end a career like he ended his career,” Jackson said Thursday in his first expansive comments since Jordan announced his return to the NBA. “I heard Ted Williams hit a home run in his last at-bat, but they weren’t going to the World Series and they weren’t even in first place. Other guys have had a great last at-bat or a great last opportunity, but no one’s had a career like this guy’s had.

“There’s no way that Washington can have that same experience quite yet, I don’t think, unless there’s divine intervention at some level. It’s just another phase. Michael’s in another phase. As far as personal success and happiness, I think it’s great for him. I really do.”


Besides, Jackson added, who said Jordan wouldn’t be great?

“Everybody’s talking about how guys one-on-one are going to beat him,” said Jackson, Jordan’s coach for six Chicago Bull championships. “You know, that’s not going to happen. He’s going to get beat every once in a while, there’s going to be a highlight tape here and there. But Michael’s going to have a lot of great moments on the court and he’s going to help his team play.”
