
Business Group Opposes Unilateral Sanctions

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The Times is exactly right in saying “globalization is our greatest ally” in fighting terrorism (editorial, Sept. 23). USA Engage has always believed global engagement to be our best hope to strengthen economies and spread democracy. The Times, however, is exactly wrong in its characterization of the position of USA Engage. We are opposed to unilateral, not multilateral, sanctions. The reason Iraq is “so eager to be rid of” sanctions is because the country is under U.N.-sponsored multilateral sanctions.

Unilateral sanctions are ineffective. There is no incentive for a unilaterally sanctioned country to change its behavior when it can simply replace U.S. companies with one of our foreign competitors. The real victims of unilateral sanctions policies are U.S. workers, farmers, consumers and companies forced to stand on the sidelines of the global marketplace.

Bill Reinsch

Co-chairman, USA Engage


