
To-Do List May Grow

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The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels will open with commissioned works by nine artists. But that is only the first phase of a master plan to outfit the building with art appointments and specially designed furnishings. As funds become available, several other projects are expected to be added. The priority is yet to be established and there is no deadline on these works. While some are already assigned to artists who have developed designs, others have not been commissioned. The archdiocese won’t say how much money is needed to jump-start these projects, but all are under consideration as part of the master plan:

* Another, smaller set of bronze doors, yet to be designed by sculptor Robert Graham, for the cathedral’s north entrance.

* A star map on the plaza pavement by sculptor and installation artist Lita Albuquerque, marking the position of the constellations the night before the cathedral’s opening, and some finishing touches on Albuquerque’s fountain and water wall.


* A children’s garden, with the theme of Noah’s Ark portrayed in a sculptural relief depicting a procession of animals by L.A. artist Gwynn Murrill.

* An outdoor labyrinth that symbolizes a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

* Stations of the cross, to be installed on a garden wall or carved on windows of the ambulatory that runs along the north side of the nave.

* A mural on the south ambulatory wall, telling the history of Christianity in Southern California.


* A chapel dedicated to peace and justice issues, amid a series of chapels devoted to religious themes in the north and south ambulatories.
