
Law Raises Specter of Bankruptcy

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Re “Church Can’t Back Abuse Settlement, Cardinal Law Tells Judge,” Aug. 3: Cardinal Bernard Law is, as usual, a bit late. When he testified that the Archdiocese of Boston might face bankruptcy if it followed through on the terms of the settlement agreement, Law failed to see that the archdiocese was already bankrupt. It bankrupted itself when it tolerated and assisted the predatory behavior of Paul Shanley and John Geoghan. It bankrupted itself when it treated the survivors of sexual abuse as a legal problem, rather than as people who deserve love, compassion and support.

Now, Law raises the specter of bankruptcy and parses legal details. The Archdiocese of Boston has no shortage of assets. If it wanted to make good on the settlement, it could devise a way.

Now, Law scurries for cover behind the details of the legal system. If he had shown this much attention to legal niceties many years ago--when he was first confronted with the behavior of pedophile priests under his supervision--he would not need to search for legal cover now.


Bill Fitzgerald



Re “Catholic Church in Dilemma Over Where to Put Ousted Priests,” Aug. 4:

I have a very simple answer for the Catholic Church. The molesting priests should go to prison, where they belong.

They may or may not live long enough to serve their sentences.

Bill Corrigan

