
Ship of State Flounders in Corporate Waters

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“Corporate Reform: a Ship Sailing Nowhere” (Commentary, Aug. 9) is right on! It is logical to assume that the recent wave of executives-in-handcuffs arrests represents the tip of an iceberg. PricewaterhouseCoopers recently paid $5 million [to settle allegations] by the Securities and Exchange Commission but lives to transgress another day. It stands to reason that deep within the bowels of other accounting firms lurk Enron-like storms. If there ever were a time for citizen activism and whistle-blowing to set sail, it is on the current sea of big-business immorality.

Sunny Kreis

Santa Monica


Only when political campaigns are publicly funded and/or the media that we license to use our airwaves are required to provide free and discounted time to candidates will our country be the democracy all but the deep-pocket special-interests crave. For only then will our representatives truly represent us and not the lobbyists to whom each is in debt to win or hold office.

George Magit

