
Clearing the Air on Advice to Smokers

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Re “Bad Habits,” Voices, Aug. 24: Wit is alive! It served as a reminder that words are far more than the sum of their meanings or the basic idea they convey. Words are like the images an artist paints on the canvas, except that canvas happens to be in the reader’s mind. Anyway, I wanted to thank James Loughrie for dabbling on my canvas, giving me a smile and the idea that it’s all going to be all right.

Paul D. Fillman



In his whiny diatribe, Loughrie used the words “moron,” “idiot” and “stupid” to describe his friends who are trying to help him quit smoking. His use of those words makes me wonder if he actually has friends. It seems to me that those words more accurately describe Loughrie. Maybe hearing something such as this will make him feel better: If you want to smoke and kill yourself, go ahead. That’s your business. I don’t care. Just don’t smoke around me, and heed your own words: “If you see me, be silent and walk away.”

Rich Rudy

San Diego
