
Hahn Calls for Better Teamwork

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Times Staff Writer

Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn on Wednesday issued an executive order that directs city general managers, department heads and commissioners to implement a new plan to make government more responsive to neighborhood needs.

The initiative, called “TeamWork LA,” is part of Hahn’s broader plan to bring government to every neighborhood through the creation of seven geographically based service areas and of cabinets made up of city representatives who would coordinate services.

“TeamWork L.A.” directs municipal leaders to implement three components: serving on the neighborhood service cabinets as core and associate members, identifying assistant managers to participate in neighborhood service cabinet meetings, and redrawing service delivery districts to conform with the boundaries of the area planning districts.


“We are changing the way that the city government does business,” Hahn said in a prepared statement. “Los Angeles is a city of neighborhoods and our task as city government is finding ways to deliver the services our neighborhoods deserve.”

Through community-based government, Hahn added, neighborhood priorities will drive city government priorities. “Los Angeles residents will see action on the neighborhood issues and problems they care about the most,” he said.

Hahn had announced his proposal shortly after voters rejected the San Fernando Valley secession measure on Nov. 5.
