
Law Dean’s Resignation a Great Loss for Boalt

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As a recent Boalt alum, I am saddened to learn of John Dwyer’s resignation, but also angered at his portrayal in the media (“Law Dean Quits Over Accusation,” Nov. 28). As I received a joint degree, I was at Boalt for four years and thus knew Dwyer very well. Though some students were concerned that he would not show a commitment to diversity, Dwyer absolutely put those fears to rest. He doubled the number of nonwhite students at Boalt, through expanded recruitment programs and fund-raising efforts. He also met regularly with the student coalition for diversity. He greatly increased funding to the clinical programs -- a crucial resource for public-interest students.

Dwyer’s overall commitment to Boalt was astounding. His office lights could be seen burning from early in the morning to 10 or 11 at night many days of the week. On a more personal note, Dwyer was a wonderful teacher and mentor to me as I pursued a nontraditional, public-interest legal career. By his own example as well as his encouragement, he has pushed many young lawyers to be honest, hard-working professionals with integrity. It will be a tragedy if Dwyer’s commitment to Boalt is eclipsed by his resignation.

Kate Gordon



What a world! Regarding these charges of sexual harassment: They both were drunk as skunks, and it’s all his fault. Would the female professors -- so horrified by the story -- support this 27-year-old claimant so vociferously if the dean had been a woman? Not likely! That’s the real discrimination.


Fred Bacon Rothell

