
Coliseum May Be Charging Ahead

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The San Diego Chargers have yet to trigger the escape clause in their Qualcomm Stadium lease, but potential Los Angeles suitors already appear to be forming a line.

Mark Fabiani, the team’s point man on new stadium issues, said the Chargers were approached this week by a Coliseum representative offering to apprise Charger officials on the potential NFL future of that stadium. “We declined to engage in any discussion with the Coliseum’s representative, and we emphasized that we are now completely focused on finding a solution in San Diego,” Fabiani said Thursday via e-mail.

Coliseum General Manager Pat Lynch said he was unaware of any such contact, adding it would be legally “inappropriate” to have conversations with the Chargers before they notified San Diego of their intentions.


“We all are advised by our attorneys not to talk to anybody until they’re legally able to talk without any legal encumbrances,” Lynch said. But he added: “I can’t control everyone associated with the Coliseum. So whether anybody else had any contact, that’s unknown to me right now.”
