
The Unemployed Need Jobs More Than Benefits

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On the facts, your Dec. 7 editorial, “Lump of Coal for the Jobless,” turned out to be, well, lumpy. I did not “spearhead the charge against extending benefits,” as you claim. I authored legislation the House unanimously approved Nov. 14, extending benefits for the long-term unemployed. This bill would have continued for five weeks the temporary extended unemployment benefits provided since March 2002. Already this year more than 3 million unemployed workers have qualified. The House bill would have helped 800,000 in every state, not just in “only a few states with the highest unemployment,” as you suggested.

Unfortunately, the Democrat-led Senate refused to act on this bill. For the record, the Senate proposed instead to provide up to 26 more weeks of extended benefits, not 13 weeks, as you described. When the new Congress convenes in January, stimulating the economy and helping businesses create new jobs will be the first order of business. Congress acted appropriately in providing extended unemployment benefits this year, but jobs are what unemployed workers need most.

Rep. Bill Thomas

Chairman, Committee

on Ways and Means

