
County Not Meeting Health Obligations

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Re “Health Safety Net Is Fraying,” Dec. 8:

Sen. Marian Bergeson’s reasoned, compassionate piece restates what we have been telling the Board of Supervisors for seven years. The county is not meeting its legal or moral responsibilities as the health-care provider of last resort. The Medical Services for Indigents program is a vital part of the safety net in this county of almost 3 million, which lacks a county hospital. Currently funded at a meager $47 million, the program has been serving fewer and fewer people since the Social Services Agency has been screening patients for eligibility.

The program is a well-kept secret. Most of the many thousands of uninsured families and individuals who lack access to necessary health-care services are unaware that it exists. The county evidently does not want to publicize MSI because the need is so great that much more funding would be required if the word got out.

Until we decide as a society to enter the 21st century and provide health care for all, this county is going to have to change its priorities, as Bergeson states, and find additional funds for the MSI program to meet the county’s legal obligation, under the California Welfare and Institutions Code.


Felix A. Schwartz

Executive director

Health Care Council

of Orange County
