
For Musicians, Is Money Over Art?

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With respect to famous musicians (“Reborn Eagles Lose Peaceful, Easy Feeling,” Dec. 8), it appears that it is more often about the money and less about the art. Sure these guys are entitled to the big bucks, but how many millions do you need?

I remember several years back on a Larry King interview, during the Eagles’ Hell Freezes Over tour, Larry questioned Don Henley about the high price of tickets ($100 and up). Henley responded that he hadn’t heard anyone complaining. Probably not, since he doesn’t hang out with me and the million other “average Joe” Eagles fans who couldn’t shell out that kind of dough for a rock concert.

Does Don Felder deserve the same monetary compensation as Henley and Glenn Frey? Of course not. However, as a long-time band mate who has contributed to the success of one of America’s truly great rock bands, he does deserve to be treated better than his lawsuit alleges. Henley and Frey need to remember who they all are: musical artists and not some greedy corporate entities that just happen to play guitars and drums.


David Mullins

Los Angeles
