
Gore Gets Back to Politics at Tenn. Fund-Raiser

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From Associated Press

Former Vice President Al Gore criticized President Bush’s handling of the economy in a speech Saturday night that marked what he called a return to “the national debate.”

“It is now clear that our nation’s economic policy is simply not working, especially for those who most depend on its success,” Gore said before about 1,600 people at a Tennessee Democratic Party fund-raiser.

“We need a government that lives within its means, invests in the American people and supports tax cuts that are fair and go to those who need them,” he said. “What we don’t need is a government whose budget is based on inaccurate assumptions and whose priorities provide special favors for the few over the many.”


Gore also called for better protection of the environment and campaign finance reform--indirectly referring to the Enron scandal when he said, “Recent events have made it clear this reform is needed more than ever.”

Gore did not say whether he’ll run for president in 2004 and reiterated his support for Bush’s handling of the war on terrorism. At the $25-a-person fund-raiser at a downtown hotel, he said that “it is time for the American people to look at the state of our country and decide the course we will take.”

Jim Otto and his wife, Beth, traveled from Lincoln, Neb., to hear the speech. The couple campaigned for Gore in Missouri in 2000.


Otto said it was challenging for Gore to make the right mix, supporting Bush on the war on terrorism but pointing out what needs to be done.

“It’s not un-American to talk about the surplus under Clinton-Gore and the deficit under Bush-Cheney,” Otto said. “It’s not un-American to say they are not managing the country well.”

Gore has been criticized for keeping too low a profile since conceding the presidential election to Bush but said, “It was right for me and I would do it again. . . . And tonight, as a new election season begins, I intend to rejoin the national debate.” The crowd responded with thunderous applause.


The former vice president has created a political action committee to raise money for campaigning Democrats this year. He also is expected to travel the nation on their behalf, which would allow him to keep in contact with party loyalists and potential donors for a 2004 presidential campaign.

“At this point, he probably has really not decided whether he wants to run, but the object is to keep his options open and develop more visibility. And this is the time to do it,” said John Geer, a Vanderbilt University political science professor.

Gore kicked off his new effort in Tennessee because he is trying to mend fences in his home state, which he lost in 2000. Had he won, he would have had enough electoral votes to win the White House.
