
War on Terrorism Lost in Afghan Quagmire

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Re “Afghans Selling All They Can Sell,” Feb. 25: The global crusade against terrorism launched with such flag-waving fervor after Sept. 11 has bogged down in the Afghan quagmire, as critics of the war policy hesitantly predicted at the time. Now what? Build an Afghan national army of 25,000 to 75,000 troops out of the ragtag soldiers and their rival warlords who switch sides for the cost of a U.S. government-issue sleeping bag or a set of camouflage fatigues in plentiful supply at the bazaar in Mazar-i-Sharif?

Combat terrorism? Of course we must, but with real consultation, full agreement and the total involvement of the U.N. and our allies. And while we’re at it, maybe it’s time to tackle that thorny question: What breeds terrorists and why do so many people around the world hate the U.S.? And where is Osama bin Laden anyway?

Saul Halpert

Studio City


Your detailed “outing” of Afghan anti-Taliban spies really scrapes the bottom of the ethical barrel (“These Spies Called the Shots in Strikes Against Taliban,” Feb. 24). And complete with photos and family connections--gross! How will you feel when you learn that these people have been “eliminated,” thanks to your gratuitous publicity?


Willard F. Zahn

Long Beach
