
Cardenas Gets Star Support

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The big-screen fight between “Shrek” and “Monsters Inc.” moved into the political arena Wednesday as Los Angeles City Council candidate Tony Cardenas announced backing from Disney chief Michael Eisner to counter DreamWorks SKG support for his opponent.

Cardenas, an assemblyman, hopes a fund-raiser to be sponsored by Disney Chairman Eisner, Disney President Bob Iger and Motion Picture Assn. of America President Jack Valenti will counter an event being planned for his opponent, Wendy Greuel, by the entertainment moguls who head DreamWorks SKG.

“I think it’s going to help my campaign tremendously,” Cardenas said. “[Eisner] is well regarded in the community and a business leader. For people to see support from Disney helps.”


The $500-per-person cocktail reception is scheduled for Feb. 8 at the Walt Disney Co. headquarters in Burbank.

Through a spokesman, Eisner and Iger praised Cardenas’ work on educational issues, including the Project Grad scholarship program partly financed by the Eisner Family Trust.

“Both of them believe Tony’s support for education programs, pre- and after-school programs, is very important to our community and the well-being of Los Angeles,” Disney spokesman John Dreyer said.


Cardenas, a Panorama City Democrat, has courted the entertainment industry with the help of council President Alex Padilla after Greuel’s film and television connections played a big role in her ability to outspend the assemblyman in the Dec. 11 primary for the 2nd District seat.

“It’s really interesting for insiders because it means money for the candidates, but I don’t think it matters to the average voter,” said Larry Levine, a political consultant who lives in the 2nd District but is not involved with either campaign.

Greuel and Cardenas are competing in the March 5 runoff to succeed Joel Wachs, who quit in October. The 2nd District extends from Studio City to Sunland-Tujunga.


In the primary campaign, DreamWorks founders Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg held a fund-raiser that netted $50,000 for Greuel’s campaign. More than 100 entertainment industry figures and firms contributed to Greuel.

Levine and others believe independent expenditures will result in a lifting of the $275,000 city spending limit in the race--as occurred in the primary--so the more money candidates can raise, the better.

Julie Buckner, a political consultant for Greuel, downplayed the split in endorsements, saying she does not believe it’s a sign that the entertainment industry is divided over the council race.

Buckner noted that Greuel won her entertainment industry support because she worked in the business and has developed friendships. As for Cardenas, Buckner said, despite the Eisner backing, the assemblyman’s support from the industry is not deep because he does not have the same ties.

“I don’t think he has that strong a relationship,” Buckner said. “I think it is more of a business relationship involving Alex Padilla.”
