
Upgrading May Give Problem the Boot

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Question: I have a Compaq Pentium running Windows 95. Whenever I reboot, I get the following message: “Nsched32. This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down. If the problem persists, contact the program vendor.” What does this mean and what should I do to correct it?

Answer: You’re having trouble with Norton’s anti-virus software. The Norton scheduler launches each time you start your computer, but there’s something wrong with your system, which is why Nsched32 keeps hanging.

You can try reinstalling the version you have, but we’d suggest upgrading to the latest version.


Q: Is it possible to run Mac floppies on a Windows PC?

A: Sort of. Apple machines can read, write and even format PC disks. So if your Mac disk is actually a PC disk, no problem. If you want to read a true Mac disk on a PC, there have been some software solutions developed over the years, including MacSee, MacAccess and DataViz. You can try one of those.

Q: On e-mail that I receive, the attached text files all go to my Adobe 6.0 program, which cannot open the text files. I have done the folders option thing and the restore thing, but still they all go to Adobe.

A: Try uninstalling Adobe (make sure you back up any data files you want to keep to make sure you don’t lose them). Then, reinstall and pay attention to the default settings; toggle off those you don’t want.


Q: Is it possible to download Windows updates in one computer and copy it to another PC so I don’t have to download twice?

A: It’s technically possible but so cumbersome, failure-prone and time-consuming that there’s no real advantage to it. The friendly geeks at Q&A; labs advise you to bite the bullet and make two downloads.
