
all day Art

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all day Art

What’s the newest new thing in the Museum of Contemporary Art’s ever growing collection? A batch of sculptures, paintings, drawings and mixed-media constructions by young artists who live and work in Los Angeles. You can check them out in “L.A. On My Mind: Recent Acquisitions from MOCA’s Permanent Collection,” a celebration of local talent opening Sunday at the museum’s gallery in the Pacific Design Center.

“L.A. On My Mind: Recent Acquisitions from MOCA’s Permanent Collection,” Museum of Contemporary Art at the Pacific Design Center, 8687 Melrose Ave., West Hollywood. Sunday to April 21. Regular schedule: Tuesdays to Sundays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; except Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Adults, $8; students and seniors, $5; children under 12, free. (213) 626-6222.


4pm Dance

Dance as a spiritual practice dominates the ancient and rarely seen transformation rituals to be performed by Prajwal Ratna Vajrachara of Nepal. Traditionally executed only by Vajrayana Buddhist priests as part of their meditations, those rituals invoke Tantric deities--Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, Vajrayogini, or Vajrapani--who are described in the accompanying songs. Union with the divine is the dancer’s ultimate goal, as in many religious rites worldwide, but the images here are unique to the Charya Nirtya idiom of the Katmandu Valley.


Prajwal Ratna Vajrachara, Pacific Asia Museum, 46 N. Los Robles Ave., Pasadena. 4 p.m. $9 to $12. (626) 449-2742.


4pm Music

The Ebell Club of Los Angeles, one of the nation’s most distinguished women’s clubs, becomes the elegant environment for the latest Chamber Music in Historic Sites concert, one in an ongoing series sponsored by the Da Camera Society of Mount St. Mary’s College. The 1927 Burns & Hunt building, noted for its gold-leaf ceiling, is the venue for “Fuoco e cenere” (Fire and Ashes), an ensemble of viols performing with Israeli mezzo-soprano Rinat Shaham and directed by Jay Bernfield. The group, dedicated to “magic and drama in music,” offers “Fantasy in Blue,” a program the crosses the centuries by uniting the musical voices of Henry Purcell and George Gershwin.

“Fuoco e cenere,” the Ebell Club of Los Angeles, 4400 Wilshire Blvd. Concert, 4 p.m. Lecture, 3:15 p.m. $36, $33. (213) 477-2929.



6pm Pop Music

An eclectic assortment of Los Angeles musicians, from “international” singer Andy to Latin rockers Quetzal to popsters Gush, join in a benefit for Project Share’s campaign against hunger in the county.

Andy, Gush, Quetzal, East L.A. Sabor Factory, Jerry Quickly, Lili Haydn, others, Sunset Room, 1430 Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood, 6 p.m. $20. (310) 556-0965.
