
‘Corsaire’s’ Mission

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Lewis Segal does seem to have a nasty streak (“Stars Salvage ABT’s ‘Corsaire,’ ” July 13). He seems negative about most dance in general and American Ballet Theatre and Kevin McKenzie in particular.

It’s no wonder L.A. doesn’t have a resident (or semi-resident) ballet company, having to face a reviewer as negative as he.

I do not believe that in this day and age “Le Corsaire” is presented for any other reason than to thrill the audience with bravura dancing. Political over- or undertones aren’t a factor. I’m not sure they ever were.


This ballet has not been reverently reproduced; no need to. It was presented here to showcase the amazing talent and range at ABT.

I would like to compliment Mr. Segal for a fine writing style but denigrate him for his critical analysis.


