
Humans, Nature and the British Open

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That wonderful photo on the front page [July 22] of Ernie Els being hoisted off his feet, in celebration, by the man he has just defeated for the title kind of says it all about sportsmanship and the great game of golf!

Jack D. Scott

San Marino


If there’s one thing that will come out of this year’s British Open, it’s that Tiger Woods is capable of choking.

From now on, golfers won’t be afraid of Tiger the way they were before. What do you know? The guy is human after all.


Hector Reyes



Tiger Woods fails to speak out against women being excluded from Muirfield.

Soon afterward Mother Nature spoils his round and chances for the Grand Slam. Coincidence?

Paul Zimmelman

Marina del Rey


I care what Tiger has to say about sex discrimination as much as I care what Anna Kournikova has to say about global warming. Tiger gets paid to hit a ball, and Anna gets paid to, well, pretty much just stand there. And that is all I need from them, or any other athlete/celebrity for that matter. Michael Jordan rarely speaks out about social issues, but I have never watched him make a spectacular play, then thought, “I wonder who he sides with, the Israelis or the Palestinians?”

I am not saying athletes should not have opinions, or that they shouldn’t use their status for positive change, I just don’t think it’s part of their job description.

Jackie Robinson, Jesse Owens, Billie Jean King all stand out as athletes who made a difference with their actions or their words, and should be admired for their courage. Who knows where we would be without them. But for every one of them, I offer a John Rocker, a Fuzzy Zoeller, a Bobby Knight, to name a few.


I do believe athletes have a certain responsibility to give back, whether it be time, money or both. But I would rather see Tiger continue to spend time with his foundation, helping to get kids off the streets, than to make sure rich women get to be members at Augusta.

Joel Govea

Canyon Country
