
Here’s Another Club That’s for Men Only

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Baseball fans are now searching for the replacement for Ted Williams as the best living ex-player. Most knowledgeable fans point immediately to Willie Mays, and with justification. Willie was one of the most exciting players to play the game. Baseball and its players live and die on their statistics. Every team and every player is measured on the stats they produce and those stats usually rank players and teams in history. I have no problem calling Willie Mays a great player, but I think we need to take a closer look at who should be called “the best living ex-player.”

If we look at the stats of Stan Musial, we will see he outdid Willie in almost every category, offensively and defensively. The only stat that stands out for Mays is the home run category, far and away. In all others, Stan is the Man.

Rich Laraba Sr.

