
U.S. Not Responsible for Europe’s Decline

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Jonathan Powers laments the military and political weakness in Europe and the overriding power and influence of the United States in world affairs (Commentary, June 3). Perhaps he should take off his backward-looking rose-colored glasses and remember another side of Europe. Does constant war in Europe, imperialism, anti-Semitism and appeasement sound familiar?

The latter two are once again emerging in that gloriously “civilized” continent. While Europeans can take pride in many of their contributions, they have inflicted untold pain on themselves and others around the world. They have consistently refused to acknowledge this, as Powers reminds us.

Jerry Freedman

Los Angeles


Powers asserts that obtuse and bloodthirsty U.S. foreign policy is contributing to the decline of Europe’s political and cultural influence over the rest of the world. And I always thought that a century’s worth of individual-rights-denying socialism and communism was to blame for the Continent’s waning global influence. Luckily for mankind, the European left is as outmoded as the guillotine.


Steve Reynolds

Los Angeles
