
They Get a Kick Out of Early Starts

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I love watching the World Cup. My only problem is falling asleep between goals and games. The ESPN coverage needs a louder announcer to wake up people after goals or before the start of games. That’s why I’m brushing up on my Spanish, because they are able to wake me up at the important times during the games by yelling “Gooooaal!”

Paul Pontrelli



It is amusing to see so many American sportswriters so ardently defend their lack of interest in soccer in general and the World Cup specifically. If you really don’t care, then please quit making sure the rest of us know how much you don’t care. Methinks thou doth protest too much.

Thomas Pevehouse



A 3-2 U.S. victory over Portugal. Three Tour de France victories for Lance Armstrong. What next? Tyson over Lewis? The Euros will have nothing left!


Blair Mathieson

San Clemente
