
Cycle of Violence Escalates in Mideast

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Re “7 Members of an Israeli Family Are Buried After Weekend Attacks,” March 4: Nine people--three of them children, mothers with their babies--leaving a synagogue in Jerusalem were killed by a suicide bomber from the military wing of Yasser Arafat’s Fatah terrorist movement.

How can anybody compare this massacre with the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) attacking terrorist camps, precisely in order to prevent this same cowardly murdering of innocent civilians from happening? Only people refusing to see the reality can continue to consider both acts as equal. If Israel had stopped defending itself, without any doubt, this precious island of democracy, culture and peace would have already been destroyed and replaced by the well-known hate, ignorance and fanaticism predominant in that part of the world.

Ana Regina Faitlowicz

Huntington Beach


Israeli soldiers go into the territories looking for terrorists to round up. Palestinian militants go into neighborhoods looking for mothers and babies to blow up. That’s all we need to know about the so-called “cycle of violence.”


Lynn Rohatiner

Los Angeles
