
Eastside Light Rail Gets the Green Light

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“Ending Eastside Transit Jam” (editorial, March 1) mischaracterizes my position on the proposed light rail in Boyle Heights. I would like to set the record straight on my position.

Since joining the council in July 1999, I have always advocated for the Eastside light rail project. I believe a permanent transportation solution is long overdue on the Eastside. I joined Rep. Xavier Becerra, Supervisor Gloria Molina and then-Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa in pursuing state funding from Gov. Gray Davis to close the budget gap for the Eastside light rail. I also pushed MTA engineers to put the rail underground in Boyle Heights as a safety measure. A quick glance at the first 10 pages of last week’s adopted Eastside Light Rail Environmental Impact Report public comment section provides detailed suggestions I have made in the past two years to improve the project’s safety.

Your editorial states that I should be leading the fight to improve transportation, rather than “grumbling.” That is an oversimplification of the issue.


There was a genuine debate in the community over the location of one of the stations on the line. At no point did I support moving the final station in Boyle Heights. I supported the MTA’s first chosen site, and I understand that the MTA board ultimately voted to move the site. Either site had some negative implications for local businesses, and the fact that one business owner was vocal regarding these implications did not play a role in my decision. I weighed in with my opinion as I was expected to do, but I never said I would pull my support from the project if the MTA opted not to build the station at the site I preferred, as your editorial implied.

I look forward to the day service begins to the Eastside.

Nick Pacheco

Councilman, 14th District

Los Angeles
