
Ray Reprises the Clinton-Lewinsky Show

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Re “Clinton Could Have Been Convicted, Prosecutor Contends,” March 7: Having thoroughly skimmed independent counsel Robert W. Ray’s short report on the Monica Lewinsky witch hunt, I’m amazed that he and his staff had the gall to take 13 months to release it. It should have been completed and released in much less than half the time.

Clearly it is written as a partisan screed. The Republicans’ opinion that they could have gotten a conviction against President Clinton is worse than worthless, as is their defense of Ken Starr’s bullies. The most disgusting fact is that their partisan screed on the long-dead Whitewater witch hunt still hasn’t been released.

If the press hadn’t compromised itself over the years by taking sensational leaks from these second-rate partisan schemers, Ray and his operatives wouldn’t still be getting away with ripping off the taxpayers.


Roses Prichard

Los Angeles


Ray’s attempt at self-promotion is too pathetic. And shame on you and all the media! For the first time, but regrettably on Page A12, have you properly described the laws allegedly violated by President Clinton and, more important, accurately stated that there was no basis for the charges or any possible conviction.

Yet the media, in their lust for sexy news fueled by the need for ratings, dug their teeth into Clinton and didn’t let go. It was the media that facilitated Starr and the House in wasting time and money, distracting the presidency and wreaking lifelong havoc with people’s lives.

The firing of Mike Parker (“Army Official Ousted After Criticisms,” March 7) because he criticized the Bush administration is the more important story.


Stephany Yablow

Sherman Oaks
