
Prop. 40 Doesn’t Guarantee Clean Water

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Re “Crystal Cove Funding Likely,” March 8:

Numerous citizens were persuaded to vote for “clean water” after being inundated with TV commercials promoting Proposition 40 that featured, among other sylvan scenes, a little girl at a drinking fountain.

Very few must have taken the time to read the fine print, but The Times story of March 8 gives us a clue as to where the $2.6 billion actually will be spent. The subheadline reads, “Prop. 40’s passage is expected to provide money to renovate the 1920s-era cottages and open them for overnight stays.” Maybe they will put a drinking fountain somewhere on the premises, but 40 does not guarantee the water will be clean. No wonder a story on the same page has the headline “Election Turnout Hit a New Low.”

Thomas C. Rogers

San Juan Capistrano
