
Special Education Column Was Offensive

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Re “In Special Ed, Accountability Is Left Behind,” April 17:

As someone involved in special education, I was sad to see the length given to Ruben Navarrette Jr.’s op-ed piece. What should have been a one-paragraph opinion based upon one day of experience in the role of a substitute was given a quarter of a page. The Times should have researched the funding of special education and how students with special needs are placed in programs before printing the inaccurate commentary.

I find it offensive that Navarrette refers to special education, and thus the professionals working in the field, as some sort of contrived “scheme” seeking to avoid accountability. All I’m trying to do is give students with special needs a chance to reach their full potential and live productive, useful lives. If that qualifies as a scheme, so be it.

Robert Nicholas

Huntington Beach
