
No to Light Rail, Yes to Freeways

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While Andrew Shaddock is profoundly disappointed by the federal government’s refusal to fund the Exposition Line (letter, May 13), I am profoundly relieved. Light rail squanders vital transportation funds. The latest MTA budget shows that fares paid by existing rail riders will only cover 22% of the cost of operating current lines. Taxpayers will pick up the other 78%.

A more cost-effective solution would be to construct one of the missing freeways. If we brought the freeway system up to capacity, it would be a win-win for everybody. Transit users would ride 65-mph express buses down the freeway, and those who choose to drive would have faster commute times. Air quality would improve because cars would not be idling in traffic, burning gasoline and producing most of their pollutants. Commuters would finally have a viable alternative to the Santa Monica Freeway--a Beverly Hills or Slauson Freeway.

Chris Hughes

Santa Ana
