
More Annoyances: ‘Look, No Problem’

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I would like to make an addition to the list of annoying catch phrases that have spread among the general population, particularly in the service industry (letters, May 15). It is the use of “no problem” as a response to “thank you.” Since when is thanking someone commensurate with asking them if they had a problem with the task for which they are being shown appreciation (e.g., giving back change, handing one his purchase, etc.)? I think the next time I’m in that situation, instead of saying thanks, I’ll ask, “Do you have a problem with this”? I can only imagine the confused stammering that will result as I walk away.

Norm Tappin



The most hackneyed word used by TV guests in response to a question or comment isn’t “well,” it’s “look.” This patronizing snub assumes that the partner in the dialogue is either blind or stupid and reveals an uppityness that should preclude the host from ever inviting the snob back on the show.

Tom Duckworth

