
Story on Catholic Female Priest Wasn’t Relevant

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Re “Catholic Female Priest Says Vows,” May 19:

Your article on the ordination of a woman priest in Orange County was deceptive and insulting to Roman Catholics. This minuscule sect of 300 is not in any way connected to the Roman Catholic Church, and its activities have no bearing on the church.

To suggest in your article that there is some connection to the Catholic Church is like reporting on a group of expatriate Americans who move to an uninhabited South Pacific island, declare it to be the “New United States of America” and claim that its officials have legal standing in the United States. That would be ludicrous, and you would not give them significant coverage in your paper.

This group has no authority to ordain anyone as a Catholic priest. They are more than welcome to ordain married men, women or kangaroos, for that matter.


This has about as much relevance to the Catholic Church as me declaring myself to be an editor of your newspaper.

Bill Robinson

San Clemente
