
Harassed or Out of Control?

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Re “Lockyer Critical of D.A.’s Actions,” Oct. 23:

I am incredulous over the amount of time, energy and taxpayer money the “sore-losers club” in Orange County spends in attempts to thwart the publicly elected and “right acting/right thinking” district attorney, Tony Rackauckas and his office. When will you quit harassing Rackauckas and let him be as productive as we have elected him to be? Enough is enough.

Le McClellan

Corona del Mar


Re “Deputy D.A. Resigns Over Arco Gas Case,” Oct. 26:

Rackauckas is out of control and out of touch with his sworn duties. A grand jury investigation has found fault with his administrative practices. His favoritism of big business and political contributors is a matter of public record.

Rackauckas has now excluded one of his top prosecutors from handling a landmark case in MTBE pollution. Instead, he has hired a private law firm that contributed more than $3,000 to his coffers.


Rather than go along with this, Deputy Dist. Atty. Michelle Lyman has resigned. Does the Atlantic Richfield Co. have Rackauckas in its pocket, and did Lyman leave because she knew the fix was in for a sweetheart deal with a big oil company? The taxpayers of Orange County need to know how much money is being given to this law firm to cut a secret deal with Arco. We also need to know which judge is overseeing this case.

Rackauckas is known for fixing deals for his friends who are willing to grease his political coffers.

He is also being held to task by the county for an accounting of money spent for food and alcohol from a fund earmarked for investigations and witness protection. More than $4,000 of tax money has gone to wine and dine political cronies of Rackauckas.


Bruce A. Moore

