
State-by-State Results

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Here are the results of elections around the nation Tuesday. Not all returns were available at press time.


Governor: Democratic Gov. Donald Siegelman won reelection over Republican Rep. Bob Riley.

Senate: Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions held off Democrat Susan Parker to retain his seat.

House: There were seven House seats in contention. The GOP won four seats and was leading for a fifth. The Democrats won two seats.


Governor: Republican Sen. Frank Murkowski defeated Democratic Lt. Gov. Fran Ulmer.

Senate: Republican Sen. Ted Stevens defeated Democrat Frank Vondersaar to retain his seat.

House: There was one House seat in contention.


Governor: Democrat Janet Napolitano was in a close race with Republican Matt Salmon.

House: There were eight seats in contention. Republicans won six and Democrats two.

Other: Voters approved an increase in cigarette taxes from 58 cents to $1.18 per pack.


Governor: Republican Gov. Mike Huckabee defeated Democrat Jimmie Lou Fisher.

Senate: Republican Sen. Tim Hutchinson lost his bid for a second term to Democratic Atty. Gen. Mark Pryor, son of popular former Sen. David Pryor.


House: There were four seats in contention. The incumbents won and the split remained in favor of the Democrats, 3 to 1.

Other: Voters were deciding whether to eliminate taxes on food and medicine.


California results appear on A24-27.


Governor: Republican Gov. Bill Owens easily defeated Democrat Rollie Heath.

Senate: Freshman Republican Sen. Wayne Allard won his bid for reelection in a rematch with Democrat Tom Strickland, a former U.S. attorney, whom he defeated six years ago.

House: There were seven seats in contention. Three incumbent Republicans and one incumbent Democrat won. The other races were too close to call.


Other: Voters were deciding whether to ban bilingual education in public schools and whether to allow same-day registration at the polls.


Governor: Republican Gov. John Rowland defeated Democrat Bill Curry.

House: There were five seats in contention, and all incumbents won. The party split remains 3 to 2 in favor of the Republicans.


Senate: Democratic Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, defeated Republican businessman Ray Clatworthy to retain his seat.


House: Rep. Michael N. Castle, the Republican incumbent and lone representative, won reelection.


House: Democrat Eleanor Holmes Norton won another term as a nonvoting delegate.

Other: Mayor Anthony Williams won a second four-year term despite a campaign marred by scandal when his nominating petitions were disallowed after they were found to include fake names. He defeated D.C. council member Carol Schwartz.


Governor: Republican Gov. Jeb Bush held off a challenge from Democratic lawyer Bill McBride to win a second term. A Bush loss in the key battleground state of Florida would have been embarrassing for the president heading into the 2004 presidential campaign.

House: There were 25 seats in contention. The GOP won 17 seats and the Democrats seven, with one race too close to call.

Other: Voters approved a measure to outlaw smoking in enclosed workplaces, including restaurants. Also passing by a large margin was an initiative to make it illegal to cage a pregnant sow.


Governor: Republican Sonny Perdue defeated Democratic Gov. Roy Barnes.

Senate: Sen. Max Cleland was defeated by Republican Rep. Saxby Chambliss in a key loss for Democrats.


House: There were 13 seats in contention. The Republicans won six and the Democrats three, with the other races too close to call.


Governor: Republican Linda Lingle was locked in a tight race with Democratic Lt. Gov. Mazie Hirono.

House: There were two seats in contention and Democrats were winning them both.


Governor: Republican Gov. Dirk Kempthorne defeated Democrat Jerry Brady.

Senate: Republican Sen. Larry E. Craig won a third term by defeating Democrat Alan Blinken.

House: There were two seats in contention.


Governor: Democrat Rep. Rod Blagojevich defeated Republican Atty. Gen. Jim Ryan.

Senate: Democratic Sen. Richard Durbin defeated Republican challenger Jim Durkin.

House: There were 19 seats in contention. The GOP won 10 seats and the Democrats nine.


House: There were nine seats in contention, with the Republicans winning six seats and the Democrats three.


Governor: Democratic Gov. Tom Vilsack defeated Republican Doug Gross.

Senate: Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin defeated Republican Rep. Greg Ganske to win a third term.

House: There were five seats in contention, with the Republicans winning four and the Democrats one.



Governor: Democrat Kathleen Sebelius defeated Republican Tim Shallenburger.

Senate: Sen. Pat Roberts beat token opposition to retain the seat.

House: There were four seats in contention. The three GOP incumbents and one Democratic incumbent won reelection.


Senate: Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell defeated Democrat Lois Combs Weinberg to retain his seat.

House: The six incumbents all won reelection, with the Republicans holding on to their 5 to 1 majority.


Senate: Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu was forced into a runoff election, meaning it will be another month before Louisiana voters pick the winner. She will face Republican Suzanne Terrell, the state election commissioner, in the Dec. 7 runoff, which pits the top two vote-getters after no one received the required 50% of the vote.

House: There were seven seats in contention, with incumbent Republicans holding four seats and incumbent Democrats holding two. One race was too close to call.


Governor: Democrat John Baldacci defeated Republican Peter Cianchette.

Senate: Republican Sen. Susan Collins defeated Democrat Chellie Pingree to retain her seat.


House: There were two seats in contention. An incumbent Democrat won reelection and the other race was too close to call.


Governor: Republican Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. defeated Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, daughter of Democratic icon Robert F. Kennedy, to become the first Republican governor elected in Maryland since 1966.

House: There were eight seats in contention. Four incumbent Democrats held their seats and two incumbent Republicans won. The other races were too close to call.


Governor: Republican Mitt Romney defeated Democrat Shannon O’Brien.

Senate: Democratic Sen. John F. Kerry had only token opposition and easily won reelection.

House: Democrats retained all 10 seats, with incumbents winning the four contested races.

Other: Voters agreed to eliminate bilingual education in public schools.


Governor: Republican Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus lost to Democrat Jennifer Granholm, who becomes the state’s first female governor.

Senate: Democratic Sen. Carl Levin easily defeated Republican Andrew Raczkowski to win reelection.

House: There were 15 seats in contention. Republicans won nine seats and Democrats won six.



Governor: Republican Tim Pawlenty defeated Democrat Roger Moe and Independent Tim Penny in a race to replace retiring Gov. Jesse Ventura.

Senate: Republican Norm Coleman was leading former Democratic Vice President Walter F. Mondale in the race for the seat held by the late Sen. Paul Wellstone.

House: There were eight seats in contention. The Democrats won four and the GOP four.


Senate: Republican Sen. Thad Cochran had no major-party opposition en route to winning his fifth term.

House: There were four seats in contention. The four incumbents won and the party split remained 2 to 2.


Senate: Democratic Sen. Jean Carnahan lost to former Republican Rep. Jim Talent.

House: There were nine seats in contention, with Republicans winning five and Democrats four. Minority Leader Richard A. Gephardt was reelected.


Senate: Democratic Sen. Max Baucus easily won reelection over Republican Mike Taylor, who withdrew from the race briefly over a controversial campaign attack ad.


House: Republican Dennis R. Rehberg won a second term as the state’s lone congressman.


Governor: GOP Gov. Mike Johanns won reelection, defeating Democrat Stormy Dean.

Senate: Republican Sen. Charles Hagel defeated Democrat Charlie Matulka to win reelection.

House: No changes in the state’s delegation: All three Republican incumbents will be returning to the next Congress.

Other: Voters rejected an amendment to strike language ordering private schools to teach only in English.


Governor: Republican Gov. Kenny Guinn held off Democrat Joe Neal.

House: Ethics issues plagued Democrat Dario Herrera in his loss to Republican Jon Porter for the new 3rd District House seat. A Democrat and a Republican round out the delegation.

Other: Voters approved a constitutional amendment barring gay marriages and rejected one allowing possession of up to 3 ounces of marijuana.


Governor: Republican Craig Benson defeated Democrat Mark Fernald.

Senate: Republican Rep. John E. Sununu beat Democratic Gov. Jeanne Shaheen to capture the Senate seat held by Republican Sen. Bob Smith, who lost to Sununu in the primary.

House: Moderate Republican Jeb Bradley won the seat vacated by Sununu. The state’s other seat was retained by the Republican incumbent.



Senate: Democrat Frank R. Lautenberg, a late substitute for Sen. Robert Torricelli after he dropped out of the race, defeated Republican businessman Doug Forrester. Lautenberg previously served three terms in the Senate.

House: Keeping the same split as the state’s last delegation, seven Democrats and six Republicans were elected. Conservative GOP state lawmaker Scott Garrett succeeds retiring GOP Rep. Marge Roukema.


Governor: Democrat Bill Richardson defeated Republican John Sanchez.

Senate: Veteran Republican Sen. Pete V. Domenici easily defeated Democrat Gloria Tristani to retain his seat.

House: Democrat John Arthur Smith and Republican Steve Pearce were in a super-close race for an open seat in southern New Mexico’s 69,000-square-mile district. Complete results were unavailable at press time.

Other: Complete results weren’t in at press time on a bid to amend the constitution to create a state holiday honoring Cesar Chavez.


Governor: Republican Gov. George Pataki won a new term by defeating Democrat H. Carl McCall.


House: Freshman Republican Rep. Felix J. Grucci Jr., a Long Island fireworks magnate, set off a political stink bomb by accusing Democrat Timothy Bishop of being lax on rape accusations as a college provost. Full results weren’t available at press time for the delegation’s 29 seats.


Senate: Republican Elizabeth Hanford Dole defeated Erskine Bowles, a former Clinton White House chief of staff, for the seat of retiring Republican Sen. Jesse Helms.

House: The state added a seat in the most recent House reapportionment. The new split will be seven Republicans and six Democrats.


House: Democrat Earl Pomeroy won a sixth term in the state’s sole seat against Republican challenger Rick Clayburgh, the state’s tax commissioner.

Other: Voters said yes to letting North Dakota join a multistate lottery, but they rebuffed a measure to give income tax and student loan breaks to residents younger than age 30.


Governor: Republican Gov. Robert A. Taft defeated Democratic challenger Timothy Hagan.

House: Democrat Tim Ryan soared past Republican Ann Womer Benjamin and former Rep. James A. Traficant Jr., who campaigned from prison as an independent. Losing one state to reapportionment, Congress will see a returning delegation of 12 Republicans and six Democrats.


Other: In a rebuff to the national drug-reform movement, voters defeat a measure that would have forced judges to order treatment instead of jail for many drug offenders.


Governor: Democratic state Sen. Brad Henry, a heavy underdog, edged Republican Steve Largent, a former congressman and football Hall of Famer.

Senate: Republican Sen. James M. Inhofe won a second term by defeating former Gov. David Walters, a Democrat.

House: Republican Tom Cole beat Democrat Darryl Roberts in a battle to replace Republican J.C. Watts Jr., the fourth-ranking member of the House. Losing one spot to reapportionment, four Republicans and one Democrat will represent the state.

Other: Voters banned cockfighting, leaving only two states where the blood sport is allowed.


Governor: Veteran Democratic officeholder Ted Kulongoski and former Republican lawmaker Kevin Mannix were in a close contest to replace Gov. John Kitzhaber.


Senate: Republican Sen. Gordon Smith defeats Democratic Secretary of State Bill Bradbury.

House: No new faces in this delegation. The state’s five incumbents -- four Democrats and one Republican -- were all reelected.

Other: Measures failed to require labeling of genetically modified foods and to provide health insurance for every man, woman and child in the state.


Governor: Democrat Ed Rendell defeated Republican Mike Fisher to become the first Philadelphian elected governor since 1914 -- a fact that underscores historical tension between Pennsylvania’s largest city and the rest of the mostly rural state.

House: Redistricting, in which the state lost two seats, pitted incumbents Tim Holden and George W. Gekas against each other. The outcomes weren’t available at press time.


Governor: Republican Donald Carcieri defeated Democrat Myrth York.

Senate: Democratic Sen. Jack Reed defeated Republican Bob Tingle.

House: Incumbent Democrat Patrick J. Kennedy earns a fifth term. The state’s second seat also is retained by its Democratic incumbent.

Other: Voters were deciding a measure to balance power between the state’s executive and legislative branches.



Governor: Republican Mark Sanford unseated Democratic Gov. Jim Hodges.

Senate: Republican Rep. Lindsey O. Graham held off Democrat Alex Sanders to win the seat held for decades by retiring Republican Sen. Strom Thurmond.

House: All five incumbents -- two Democrats and three Republicans -- retained their seats. Graham’s seat was won by a Republican.


Governor: Mike Rounds, the surprise winner of a nasty GOP primary, defeated university president Jim Abbott, a Democrat.

Senate: Freshman Democrat Tim Johnson and Republican Rep. John R. Thune were in a tough battle.

House: To fill the at-large seat vacated by Thune, four-term Republican Gov. William Janklow defeated Democratic newcomer Stephanie Herseth in a surprisingly close race.

Other: Voters defeated a proposition that would have let criminal defendants argue juries should ignore the laws under which they are charged.



Governor: Democrat Phil Bredesen defeated Republican Rep. Van Hilleary in the most expensive race in state history.

Senate: Lamar Alexander, a former governor and a perennial presidential candidate, defeated Rep. Bob Clement to help the GOP keep retiring Sen. Fred Thompson’s seat.

House: State Sen. Lincoln Davis tips the balance of power, with the split now five Democrats and four Republicans.

Other: Voters approved a proposition to amend the state constitution to create a state lottery to fund college scholarships.


Governor: Gov. Rick Perry fought off big-spending banker Tony Sanchez, a Democrat, to keep the office in Republican hands.

Senate: Republican Atty. Gen. John Cornyn held off former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk, a Democrat, to win the seat held by retiring Republican Sen. Phil Gramm.


House: Popular Dallas disc jockey Ron Chapman endorsed Republican Jeb Hensarling, whose opponent also happens to be named Ron Chapman. Complete tabulations for this race and others were unavailable at press time.


House: Late in the race to fill the state’s four seats, including one picked up in reapportionment, Republicans poured big money into a campaign against the state’s most vulnerable incumbent, 2nd District Democrat Jim Matheson. Full results were still being counted at press time.


Governor: The Legislature will pick a governor in January if no candidate takes 50% of the vote in a 10-way race to replace retiring Democratic Gov. Howard Dean. Final results were unavailable at press time

House: Independent. Rep. Bernard Sanders wins his seventh term.


Senate: Republican Sen. John W. Warner took his fifth six-year term without a Democratic opponent.

House: All eight Republican and three Democratic incumbents retained their seats.


House: At press time, freshman Democrat Rick Larsen was trying to ward off a scrappy challenge from Republican Norma Smith, whose commercials cited Larsen’s opposition to President Bush’s Iraq resolution and an amendment to ban flag burning.

Other: Voters were deciding whether to enact a 9-cent per gallon increase in the gasoline tax to pay for transit.



Senate: Democratic Sen. John D. “Jay” Rockefeller IV beat Republican Jay Wolfe to win reelection.

House: All three of the state’s incumbents -- two Democrats and one Republican -- were reelected, including the GOP’s Shelley Moore Capito.


Governor: Democrat Jim Doyle beat Republican Gov. Scott McCallum, ending 16 years of GOP governorship.

House: Losing one seat to reapportionment, the eight-member delegation is now evenly split. In the state’s most heated race, Democrat Tammy Baldwin, who is openly homosexual, won reelection over Republican Ron Greer, a Madison minister who blasted what he called her “radical pro-gay agenda.”


Governor: Former federal prosecutor Dave Freudenthal, a Democrat, beat Republican Eli Bebout in a race to replace Republican Gov. Jim Geringer.

Senate: Conservative Republican Mike Enzi triumphed over Democrat Joyce Jansa Corcoran, ensuring a GOP hold on both of the state’s Senate seats.


House: GOP incumbent Barbara Cubin earned a fifth term as Wyoming’s lone representative, defeating underfinanced Democrat Ron Akin, a career Air Force man and former Republican.
