
In from the cool

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AS Howard Cosell used to say, Jon Burlingame told it like it was (“Spy Films Lose Heart,” Nov. 5). Today’s Hollywood seems to be under the impression that cynicism equals cool. The characters of the classic spy series of the ‘60s, like “I Spy” and “Wild Wild West,” were everything that their film counterparts are not: They were caring, charismatic, held high moral values, did not denigrate each other and were tender, yet tough as nails.

This is one reason why these series will always be treasured in many people’s hearts, whereas the remakes will find a quick detour into our mental and emotional trash bin.

Rommel Gonzalez



KENNETH Turan enumerates many reasons why the producers of the big-screen version of “I Spy” missed the mark (“ ‘I Spy’: Mission Implausible,” Nov. 1). Perhaps their biggest mistake, not mentioned, was the failure to understand that without Earle Hagen’s Emmy Award-winning music, their version of “I Spy” is merely another Eddie Murphy vehicle.


Hagen’s music was integral to the the show, just as it enhanced all of his collaborations with producer Sheldon Leonard. Imagine “The Andy Griffith Show” without Earle’s theme.

Bruce Babcock

