
Bill Clinton’s Negative Influence in California

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As a lifelong Democrat I am getting a little sick of hearing about former President Clinton’s intellect (letter, Nov. 11). What intellect? He was a great salesman of emotional furniture and snake oil, with the requisite flair for televangelism. His lying degeneracy is directly responsible for the Republicans having such an easy time kicking our rear ends. And we will now pay with courts that will be in place for years to come. What was so intelligent about that? What great thinking did that indicate?

Marshall Bell

Los Angeles


“Clinton Was Key to Davis Strategy” (Nov. 8) painted the clearest picture of duplicity I have seen in recent memory. Bill Clinton and Gov. Gray Davis forged a strategy to knock off the strongest Republican contender to deny me and fellow Republicans a viable representative for our ideals, and he betrayed a friend, Richard Riordan, who assisted Clinton’s own candidacy. What a guy!

The Clintons are the best example of how power corrupts completely. Winning at all costs means winning without integrity, without humanity and without purpose. Californians apparently didn’t get the message, but the rest of the country did.


Sandy Whaling

North Hollywood


Another pundit story. Two reasons for Riordan’s failure in the primary: Riordan and the California Republican Party. Riordan for running a general election campaign in the primary and the party for its persistent myopia.

Vi Patmas

Mission Viejo
