
Taxing and Spending Away Our Future

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Republicans blame Gov. Gray Davis (and rightly so) for the state’s budget deficit. Conversely, the huge budget deficit incurred by the Bush administration is ignored, free of any criticism. By what sleight of hand does Bush plan to cut taxes while increasing spending, thus incurring an even greater deficit, which our children and our children’s children will have to repay? With our ongoing and necessary war against terrorism and our probable war against Iraq, our defense budget will soar.

Cutting taxes is strictly a political ploy devoid of any economic logic. Polls indicate the majority of Americans support a tax cut and a war against Iraq. We can’t have it both ways. Bush senior was roundly criticized for increasing taxes, yet it was necessary to pay for the Gulf War. Increased spending and taxing less is akin to a person suffering a cut in pay and then buying a more expensive house and luxury car.

Marvin Haas

