
Nebraska sound

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I would like to thank Calendar for coupling Richard Cromelin’s interview of Bright Eyes’ Conor Oberst (“The Spotlight Finds a Searching Soul”, Nov. 10) with positive reviews of other recent Omaha releases. As a label manager and fellow musician, I have firsthand experience that quite often the level of talent on a roster (or a release) matters less than the “luck of exposure.” Dean Kuipers and Kevin Bronson’s objective critiques shine a light on material otherwise “underexposed” and show that there is depth to the Omaha indie scene. It shows that Midwestern rock stars don’t need to abandon their own scenes to “make it” on the coasts.

While the local debate may rage as to whether Oberst is indeed a genius, what stands out is the leadership he and others (Saddle Creek’s Rob Nansel and Redemption’s Ryan Kuper) provide local aspiring musicians and managers. They have succeeded while staying in Nebraska, and in turn enhanced the quality of live music in the area.

Tyler Owen


Tyler Owen is the singer and guitarist for the Eye and the president of Miltona Records.
