
Trump Should Help Less Fortunate

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Donald Trump said of himself, “I’m a rich guy,” but he is actually a poor guy. Poor in the sense that he has no soul (“For Trump, Risks and Riches Are Par for the Course,” Nov. 17).

His public image is that of a greedy self-serving businessman with gold-digging girlfriends who has a compulsive need to name every one of his ventures after himself: “Trump Whatever.”

Is this someone we should admire?

James Flanigan is right when he says “This is a story about how the rich get richer.” However, he is wrong to frame the purchase of the Rancho Palos Verdes golf course in such reverential terms for Trump.


Flanigan should have interviewed Trump about his plans to help the lower-income people in Los Angeles County get richer. Is there an affordable housing component to Trump’s luxury plan?

Trump could help many thousands of people in Los Angeles County and develop an image that could grow into a powerful and inspiring legacy of social responsibility, selflessness and compassion.

Then instead of Flanigan writing a story about the rich getting richer, he could write a story about how Trump’s actions allowed all of us to be richer -- in soul and wallet.


Calvin Naito

Los Angeles
