
Happily Living the L.A. Adventure

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It’s refreshing to read about an Angeleno, a Valley resident no less, who loves L.A. (“Valley Man Appreciates Waking Up in L.A.,” Oct. 1). I have to echo his sentiment: “In New York, you just sit on your stoop and the world comes to you. In L.A. you have to ... go find it.” In defending L.A. to my East Coast friends who complain about L.A.’s vastness, my reply is that they are used to being spoon-fed their city and culture. It’s all within easy reach.

L.A. is an adventure. Culture is in the nooks and crannies of the city. Don’t be lazy and, for Pete’s sake, think outside the box. So L.A. doesn’t fit the East Coast, traditional notion of a city. Visitors who complain about L.A.’s barren culture may actually lack the imagination and sense of adventure to go out and discover all the wonderful experiences the city and Angelenos have to offer. Kudos to people like Dick Healy, who understand and embrace L.A. in all its quirky glory.

Arminda Au

Rancho Palos Verdes
