
Smoker’s $28-Billion Award Raises Ire

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I am not a smoker, and I do believe that the tobacco companies have misled the public as to the true dangers of cigarettes for many years [“Philip Morris Ordered to Pay $28 Billion to Smoker,” Oct. 5].

However, that said, what human being living in the United States in the last 40 years has not been bombarded with public service announcements, ads and medical evidence warning of the dangers of cigarette smoking?

Twenty-eight billion dollars for a single smoker? When exactly is enough enough? I’m sure attorney Michael Piuze must be very proud of his victory over the goliath Philip Morris. I look at him as simply another reason for tort reform in this country.


Will Ray



The lawsuit by Betty Bullock against Philip Morris and the spate of other lawsuits against the tobacco industry is a microcosm of what is wrong with our legal system and society at large.

The current social climate and the “devil made me do it” legal philosophy are behind this idea that smokers are victims and someone needs to be punished.

All you need is 12 dimwitted jurors to fall for your victimization sob story, and you win the lawsuit lottery. The truth be damned. Just because 12 jurors say that the moon is made of green cheese doesn’t make it true.


For the record, I have never smoked.

Andrius V. Varnas

Redondo Beach
