
Sheldon Epps, Artistic Director, Pasadena Playhouse

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In June I went to Zihuatanejo, Mexico, mainly just to relax. It’s one of those great places where there’s not an awful lot to do. The biggest decision of the day is where you’re going to have dinner. And for a small Mexican fishing village, the food is great. There are three or four extraordinary restaurants. We stayed at a beautiful hotel called Villa del Sol. Our room was 50 yards from the beach. Most of every day we spent on that golden sand beach, reading. They also served meals on the beach, which is truly decadent. I went parasailing for the first time. I found it one of the most peaceful and relaxing things I’ve ever done, like floating on air.

Discovery: There is a very different, large resort nearby called La Casa Que Canta. It’s built into a cliff. They have a beautiful cocktail lounge that overlooks the bay. It’s a great place to watch the sunset.
