
A Day in the Life of a ‘Real’ Home Office User

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The real home office (“Being Your Own Boss,” by Barbara Thornburg, Fall Design Issue, Sept. 29):

T. Wilde / Web Designer

Home office: 4-foot-square corner of the living room of a one-bedroom apartment in a low-rent section of Glendale.

Music: Whatever’s on the TV in the next room, and from the street below, Spanish and Armenian conversation, the jingle bell on the paleta pushcart, kids playing in the street, and the occasional low thump of bass from a car with a tricked-out sound system.


Dress code: Big T-shirt, or less if it’s hot outside.

Office ritual: Get up at noon, dial up, feed the cat, then check e-mail.

Personal touch: Cork lamp that doubles as a bulletin board.

Office hours: Not before noon, as late as 4 a.m.

Perks: Save a lot of money on clothes and gas.

Drawbacks: No one to gossip with, except by e-mail.

T. Wilde

