
Iraq Violates Binding U.N. Resolutions

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“U.N. Resolutions Frequently Violated” (Oct. 17) omits two facts that are indispensable to understanding the baseless comparison of Iraq and Israel regarding the implementation of Security Council resolutions. While the article mentions the difference between compulsory Chapter 7 resolutions and nonbinding Chapter 6 resolutions, it neglects to point out that all but two Iraq resolutions came under Chapter 7 and are legally binding. Every Security Council resolution related to Israel was passed under Chapter 6 and thus advisory.

Second, Israel -- unlike Iraq -- is not legally obliged to place its nuclear facilities under the International Atomic Energy Agency because it is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Resolution 487 condemns Israel for attacking Iraq’s nuclear facility at Osirak over 20 years ago, an act for which the international community is now profoundly grateful.

Andrew Srulevitch

