
A Hollywood Preview of Coming Extractions

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Thank you for “TV Ads Will Press Hollywood Secession” (Sept. 16). Finally I have read material that really helps me decide against Hollywood breaking away from L.A. I am now more convinced that nightclub owner Gene La Pietra is really running for king of the new Hollywood, especially since he is in the upcoming ads. My favorite is La Pietra with his arms open, speaking over the closing strains of “America the Beautiful.” If this doesn’t help people decide to keep Hollywood a part of L.A., I don’t know what will.

Why is it that La Pietra will not explain where the money will come from to pay for all of his improvements? With 75% of Hollywood being renters, the money has to come from someone--and it will be the property owners, who will pass the costs to the renters regardless of rent-control promises. Why has there been no mention of where the new Hollywood will get its water or power from? I hope the rest of Hollywood and L.A. will vote to keep us a part of L.A.

Bob Murdy

