
Readers to Plaschke: Tiger’s Just a Golfer

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Bill Plaschke insists that Tiger Woods use his influence to get women admitted to membership in Augusta National. Tiger did not achieve his position in the golf world by affirmative action but by ability and accomplishments. He should not be required to campaign for change in a club of which he is not a member and has no vote.

I suppose if women are finally admitted, next will be a campaign for sportswriters. There have to be some standards.

Gary A. Robb

Los Feliz


Bill Plaschke needs to get a life and the L.A. Times senior editors need to have their heads examined to continue putting his column on the front page of the sports section.


The only thing I care to hear from Tiger is about his round, the conditions of the course, etc. I do not want to hear his views on the war in Iraq, the social ills of the country or Martha Burk.

Will Mannon



Bill Plaschke, how dare you make Tiger Woods the heavy in Martha Burk’s campaign to place a female in a male private club. What about Jack and Arnie, members of Augusta?

Are you ready to admit male students to Smith and Vassar?

Are you leading the campaign to have the male golfer who gets bumped by Sorenstam in the Colonial entered in the LPGA tournament that week? If he didn’t win it, he’d at least create some excitement in the locker room.

Private means private and able to operate under their own legal decisions. Leave Tiger out of the mix. His foundation does a lot for male and female kids.

Jim Remington

La Habra Heights


I have a simple answer to get Hootie Johnson off the hook and send Martha Burk, Jesse Jackson and the Klan home.

Make my wife Penny the first female member. She is very attractive, doesn’t play golf, has never been to Georgia and doesn’t attend meetings.


Chuck Hill

Van Nuys


If they admit women to the club, will they have to change the name of the tournament to the Mistress?

Tom Schiff

Los Angeles
