
Open-and-shut packing tips to lighten the load

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I liked “What’s Your Packing Style? It All Depends on Personal Baggage” (April 6). Here is what I do and tell others to do: Think about what you have worn for the last few weeks, items you wear most often and like the most. That is what you should take. Many people take the clothes they think they will use on a trip -- more than they need -- and end up wearing the same favorites.

Comfort is most important. Mix and match is also best. Stick with primary colors that don’t require a lot of different shoes.

Take a basic handbag and maybe a smaller bag for evenings if you will be dining in nice restaurants.


Purses and shoes take up most of the baggage space and most of the weight, and unless you are a diva, you don’t need to change them every day.

Men’s clothing is easier, but even men take too much. My husband will take a dozen shirts and end up wearing the same two or three.

People worry about being seen in the same clothes, but no one pays attention. If they are fellow travelers, they have the same problems packing. If they are locals at your destination, they don’t care what you wear.

Anastasia Mann

Corniche Travel Group

West Hollywood


Here’s my solution to packing: The morning of my trip, I place my carry-on suitcase on the bed. I take a shower and then dress. As I put on my underwear, I place a couple of each in the suitcase. Same with the slacks, tops etc. As I apply my makeup, I put the items in a small travel bag. Same with hairbrush, dryer and so on.

If I need a dress, I put one in. I’ve put my nightgown and slippers in as I removed them. When I’m finished dressing, my suitcase is packed. It takes me five minutes to pack, and I do it the same way whether I am going away for a long weekend or a three-week vacation.

When I tell people about my system, they ask, “What if you forget something?” I have never forgotten anything. If I did, there are always stores.


Alexis Powers

South Pasadena
