
Drop in Gang Killings Helps the Drug Dealers

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Re “The Truth Also Falls Victim to L.A. Gang Violence,” Commentary, April 14: Once again Tom Hayden, the apologist for L.A.’s gangs, conveniently forgets that the gang truces and reduced violence are a direct result of the fact that gang turf murders create stepped-up law enforcement and this is simply “bad for business” (the business of crack cocaine distribution).

There are two very powerful factions in this country: One sells drugs on the street corners and the other sells our national drug policy in Washington. These two very unlikely allies have one thing in common, which is the perpetuation of the status quo. They both want to keep illegal drugs just that -- illegal. It’s good for business!

Morgan McBain



Hayden seems to be saying that gang murders are not as much of a problem as the police say they are. Hayden should have the opportunity to explain to each and every parent, sitting in the home of their slaughtered son or daughter, why this is so.


Fred E. Stemrich

